Published on February 29, 2024–Updated on August 26, 2024
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Spring of poets 2024
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Printemps des poètes
Spring of Poet is a national and international event designed to raise awareness of poetry in all its forms.
The theme for 2024 ?Grace.
That's why, from March 9 to 25, you can find the 26th edition of this incredible cultural event in your different university libraires.
What's on the agenda for the new edition ?
Workshops in which you are the main actor, the dicovery of poems from around the world, exhibitions, but above all, a poetic touch of unspeakable depth.
➤ Thematic table ; Discovering poems from around the world (via QR code)
Gennevilliers Library, from March 4 to 15.
➤ Participatory workshop, creation of a wall of thoughts.
Cerclades Library, from March 9 to 25.
➤ Haïkus competition.
Hirsch Library, from 9 to 25.
➤ Participatory table, reveal your inner poet by writing a few verses on the white board.
Saint-Martin Library, from March 9 to 25.
➤ Exhibition of your poemes. If you'veanswered the librarians'call, you will be able to see the poems you have written or chosen on display for the whole university to see.
Chênes Library, from March 9 to 25.
➤ Rap exhibition.
Sarcelles Library, from March 9 to 25.
Neuville Library, from March 18 to 25.
➤ Selim-a-Attalah Chettaoui, one again honor us with a poetic performance.