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The Chênes university library specializes in law.
The Chênes library specializes in law and political science - economics, management and mathematics - languages.
It provides Bachelor's students with the necessary documents. It also offers researchs funds in economics, management and business law.
The library has work areas where students can work in peace and quiet.
Note : On-site codes and dictionaries can be borrowed just in time for an exam.
The Chênes library is aimed at students from Licence to Doctorant level, as well as teachers.
We offer training in documentary research and individual assistance during your research.
The library provides tutoring for law students according to a biannual planning. Tutors provide a methodological help to L1 students.
During a 10-minute session, learn some keys to using the tools of documentary research.
Training offered:
Register at the information desk of the Chênes library or at
Chênes university library
33, boulevard du Port
95011 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex
01 34 25 61 34
Pedestrian access (10 minutes from BU des Cerclades and Cergy-Préfecture station, 15 minutes from the Saint-Martin site)
The BU des Chênes is located on the Chênes university site.
Or via the bus network :
Building and Library's accessibility :