• Student life

  • Education

Published on January 16, 2024 Updated on September 3, 2024

Remote access

How do connect in order to research and visit electronic resources when a connection is necessary ?

It is very simple ! First connect to your ENT, with your student or administrative username. There is a quick way in the menu "Remote Acess" at the top right of your screen.
Then, you will be recognized by most online resources. You could to have access to their content.

Access electronic resources in EDS https://research.ebsco.com/c/2spzgj/search or our resources page https://bibliotheque.cyu.fr/les-collections

Remote access to many electronic resources.

If you are having difficulty connecting remotely, please contact us here. You can also contact the dedicated electronic documentation service : docelec@ml.u-cergy.fr.

Certificate Issues
When attempting to connect to certain databases, you may occasionally encounter a message regarding SSL certificate problems, server-side errors, or potential security risks. These errors are due to expired or invalid security certifications. Please disregard these alerts and bypass them by clicking on 'Advanced Settings'. The certificates will be updated soon by the IT department."

Arte Campus

Arte Campus is ARTE's electronic resource. It appoints a dedicated to higher education and adult training.

All students and teachers can access more than 2300 Arte's video, on all areas of knowledge and current topics.

What is the matter ? Documentary magasines or features, series episodes (as "Le Dessous des cartes", "ARTE Reportage", "Quand l’histoire fait dates"), short movies of fiction. And video recording of plays, ballets, operas.

+ :

  • In several languages : French, English, German, spanish, Italian. There is an interface in French, German and English.
  • Useful educational tools for studying and teaching : cutting and annotating extracts, creation of mind gap, dynamic search inside the video transcription.
  • The videos' loading in order to watch these without the internet.
Presentation teasing


Connexion :
To connect you, you can follow the following steps :
- Go to this page : https://campus.arte.tv/
- Choose  « s’inscrire » at the top right of your screen. Then to choose " Inscrivez-vous"
- Enter the city or postal code of your establishment and select "CY Cergy Paris University" on the following page.
- Then, complete the form in order to create your account.

Warning : only use your university email address to create your account.

Training offered for your teaching practices
The training offered by Arte Campus, lasts one hour. Slots are regularly offered in English and French.
Video tranings on Youtube.
Link which presents the electronic resource

Cairn : what does the BU subscribe to ?

Connexion :
You can gain access to the new platform of Cairn 2024 and its electronic resources.

- Important reminder : you can reach it directly from the university and remotely through the CAS.
- Choose  « connexion » at the top right of your screen, in order to create a personal account.
- This account allows you to access the list of available publications by clicking on the green link below CY Cergy Paris Université.
Personal account :
Creating an account is, of course, optional, but it allows you to benefit from all these new features, and many more besides : follow a theme, keep your history, set up alerts and recommendations on the publication of journals, and declare a reference institution or you podcast preferences (another new feature to come!)
CObaz (AFNOR) : Technical prerequisites

To benefit from CObaz services (AFNOR) the workstation must be equipped :
  • Internet access.
  • Internet browser
  • A solution to open PDF documents as : Adobe, Foxit Reader or Nuance Power PDF.
  • FileOpen plugging.
The prerequisites are constable and the required files downloadable at this address : https://simba-cdn.afnor.org/VAR/785fe827-6ea6-4417-93c8-17d86e9105aa.pdf

 Microsoft Internet Explorer : Minimum version  11 version
• Mozilla Firefox : Minimum  version   60.9 version
• Google Chrome : Minimum version   78.0.3904.108 version
• Adobe [Reader DC/ Acrobat PRO XI] and previous versions
• Foxit Reader
• Nuance Power PDF
• FileOpen, downloadable

• Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan and previous versions
• Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Google Chrome, all versions
• Adobe [Reader DC/ Acrobat PRO DC] and previous versions
• FileOpen, Mac OS 10.6+ / Mac OS 10.5 (or lower)

Adobe no longer offers a solution for Linux :
To consult the standards in PDF format, the only possible configuration is :

• All layouts
• Adobe Reader 8 only
• FileOpen
European Pharmacopoeia online

1st utilisation : every new user must be signed up for the EDQM's web site and to create an account

Follow this link then follow the next steps to create an account.

1/ To create an account :
The mail to use is your university email.

2/ Inscription form :
Complete the form.

3/ Subscription :
When your account is created, connect you and reach the section  "My subscription keys" in order to demand a licence. Under "Available subscriptions" display subscriptions  which you have available.
Activate the subscription's button to be able to access the requested content.

Thematic guide : https://faq.edqm.eu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1378505
Access to the platform : https://pheur.edqm.eu/home
Good to know:

Articles from the daily "Les Echos" will be available with a one-day embargo from the Europresse platform. You will therefore have access to the previous day's articles, not those of the same day. This applies to articles available from the search bar. 

However, other supplements or derivatives of Les Echos are not affected by this embargo, and you still have access to article archives dating back to March 2006.

Lexis 360 : register and log in
Good to know :
for students during revision period : More than 150 files are accessible on the Lexis 360's home page, in the section "Practical files". Very synthetics, they are thought to save you time in the home stretch before the partials.

First utilisation : you must register to create an account before the first consultation of Lexis 360.
After recording, think to validate the link which will send you at your university email address. ( If you don't see this mail, think to verify in your spam box)

Required procedure : You must use the email and password of the CY university which is constructed this way :
For the students : firstname.name@etu.u-cergy.fr - For the teachers and the staff: firstname.name@u-cergy.fr
If you use another email address, you will not be able to view all resources.

Documentation to download :
New user : how to access Lexis 360 Students (PDF - 661.4 KB)
New authentification after login creation (PDF - 603.7 KB)
Further informations :
For every connection to CY or from home, use this email as username. You will find the content that you have saved in your personal folder.

Assistance: The publisher LexisNexis provides you with an e-mail address and a telephone line dedicated to research assistance (free service):
assistance.recherche@lexisnexis.fr / (9am-6pm Monday to Friday)
SciFinder scholar : register and log in to search
Access to research content in SciFinder is subject to prior registration of each user.

Step 1 : You must use the institutional email which will allow you to be recognized as a member of CY university communauty : firstname.name@cyu.fr or name.firstname@etu.u-cergy.fr

Step 2 :
You have completed the form and created your password. You will receive a validation email.

Step 3 :
You have validated your inscription, so you can connect you with your the login and password created. Hold them back. They are valid for the duration of your studies at CY Cergy Paris university.

To help you : Do not hesitate to contact your teachers to help you with your research..
USP Pharmacopée US
Every member of the CY university communaut having an activate electronic address (cyu.fr/etu.u-cergy.fr) could created her or his individual account . Every user will have to create her or his own individual account because the platform allows features like adding bookmarks.
Web of Science : to refer to remote access
To connect you to remonte access or with the university's Wifi, it is necessary to create an account from a computer connected directly to the CY network (on one of the BU computers for example)
Then, you could connect you at home
Keep your login and password created during registration : Menu sign in / Register
The Conversation
The conversation is an online medium that gives academics and researchers a greater voice in public debate. The collaboration platform feature in-depth articles on fake news.

More than 150 articles are available
on the site, provinding an insight into the subject of fake news, so important to media and information literacy.

Every day, our expert, analytical and commentary articles on general and scientif news stand out from the continuous flow of information. They are the result of close collaboration between academics, researchers and a team of experienced journalists. Supporting by a not-for-profit association, the Conversation France offers content that is free of charge, free of advertising and free of republication.
Connexion :
To use it, you need to create an account : "Register as a reader", using your university e-mail address if possible.