Open science monitor

CY Cergy Paris University's Open Science Monitor

CY Cergy Paris Université takes part in the Baromètre National de la Science Ouverte (Open Science Monitor, OSM for short) since 2023.

This national inquiry is organised by the Ministry of Higher Education since 2019. It aims to measure the advance of open access and the evolution of french research practicies. Its based on the publications that used a DOI (Digital Object Identifier).

Since 2022, the Ministry offers the possibility for establishments to bring OSM to a local ground.
Earlier this year, the Library collected and transmitted to the Ministry the DOI from : HAL, SciVal and WOS. 

On February 2025, the Ministry published the newest editions of the national OSM. Its results are searchable on the MESRI site right here

You can find the results for CY Cergy Paris Université under the next heading : Publications, Disciplines and Publishers
70 % of CY Cergy Paris Université's 2024 publications are in open access (national average : 66%).
CY Cergy Paris University (CY) : CY's academic open access publication's rate with a DOI Crossref, published during the previous year for the year observed.

Observation :

This graph shows, for each year of observation since 2020, the open access rate for CY scientific publications, with a Crossref DOI, published during the previous year.

68.6% of CY's academic publications with a DOI Crossref published in 2022 were in open access (data harvested in 2023).

For the publications published in 2023 this rate increases to 70.7% (data harvested in 2023). The rate of publications available in open access has increased of 2.1 points in a year.
CY Cergy Paris University (CY) : Distribution of CY's academic publications, with a DOI Crossref or a HAL identifier, published in 2023 with an open access (data harvested in 2024).

Observation :

This chart represents the distribution of CY's academic publications with a DOI Crossref or HAL identifier, published in 2023 with an open access (data harvested in 2024). Please note that depending on the updates, a publication can change status. It can evolve from "provided open access by publisher" to "open archive and open access provided by the publisher" if the publication has been loaded on an open archive in between. As for 2023's publications, one can notice that 40% are available in the two types of open access, 21% are only accessible through open archive and 9% are only available because the publisher provides open access to it.
CY Cergy Paris Université (CY) : Breakdown of CY scientific publications, with a Crossref DOI, in open access by channel and by year of publication (observed in 2024)

Observation :

For the most recent observation date (2024), this graph shows the distribution of CY publications, with a Crossref DOI, in open access by year of publication and by type of opening. It should be noted that, from one update to the next, an individual publication may change status, for example from "open via publisher" to "open via publisher and open archive" if the publication has meanwhile been deposited in an open archive.

We can see that, for publications published in 2023, 40% are open via both channels, 21% via an open archive only and 9% via the publisher only.

CY Cergy Paris University (CY) : CY's : Open access rate according to the type of publications for 2023 CY publications with a DOI Crossref or HAL identifier.

Observation :

This chart represents the open access rate for each type of 2023 CY's publications. It shows the different types of an open access for each type of publication.

Preprints on dedicated open platforms explan the fact that their open access rate is clode to 100%.

One can also notice that the monitor finds 78% of journal articles are in open access and 23% book chapters are in open access. The books and books chapter are less involved in open science.
CY Cergy Paris Université (CY) : 2023 CY publications open access rate according to language (publications with a DOI Crossref)
 or HAL identifier)

Observation :

This chart shows the 2023 CY publications open access rate according to language and also specifies the type of open access. The language data was extracted from PubMed metadata if available, or infered from the title or the abstract.

One can notice that among the 2023 publications, there are 1.0k publications in English including 724 in open access and 285 with a restricted access (meaning a 72% open access rate) and 151 publications in French, including 93 in open access and 58 with a restricted access (meaning a 62% open access rate). The publications in French are less open than the publications in English. The publications in Spanish, German and Portuguese are represented in a smaller number and are therefore statistically less significant.
CY Cergy Paris Université (CY) : Open access rate by discipline and by year of observation, for CY publications, with a Crossref DOI, published during the previous year (disciplines presented in order of decreasing access rate)

Observation :

For each year of observation since 2020, the barometer estimates the open access rate of CY scientific publications, with a Crossref DOI, published during the previous year. This graph breaks down the results by disciplinary field. The discipline nomenclature is inferred from a classification algorithm trained on the Pascal and Francis database. The classification of publications was carried out automatically on the basis of metadata concerning the name of the journal and the title of the publication.

For example, 90% of CY scientific publications with a Crossref DOI in mathematics published in 2023 were open access the following year, in 2024 (observation year).


CY Cergy Paris University (CY) : Distribution of CY publications with a DOI Crossref or HAL identifier, according to the type of open access for each discipline (2023 publications)

Observation :

This chart represents the rate of the different types of open access for 2023 CY Publications with a DOI Crossref or HAL identifier. There are three types of open access : open archive, open access provided by the publisher, and both combined. One may notice that depending on the updates, one publication can change its type of open access and evolve from "open access provided by publisher" to "both combined" (open archive and open access provided by publisher) if the publication has been loaded on an open archive in between.

This chart shows that for 2023 Social Science publications, 35% are on open archive, 49% are available on open archive and with publishers, and 4% are available because the publisher provided open access to it.



CY Paris Cergy University (CY) : Share of CY academic publications with a DOI Crossref, open access provided by their publisher, by year of observation for publications published in the previous year

Observation :

Some of these publications can have an open access provided by their editor while being on open archives too. Yet, the publications only hosted on open archives are not taken into account.

Therefore, in 2024, 49% of CY's academic publications, with a DOI Crossref, published in 2023 were provided in open access by their publisher.

The chart helps to sort the results according to the publisher or publishing platform. It is possible to visualise the share of publications provided in open access for each publisher or publishing platform.