HAL-CYU Portal

HAL (short for Hyper Articles en Ligne) is a national and multidisciplinary open archive platform.
Its main objective is the deposit and the spreading of the scientific work from national and international university. It relies on the auto-archiving process and provides a persistent way of storing scientific works.
  • It relies on the auto-archiving process and provides a persistent way of conserving scientific works
  • This platform is free-to-use and free to access for all. 
The HAL plateform is managed by the CCSD (Center for Direct Scientific Communication).

HAL-CYU Portal

Institutional declination of the HAL portal, the HAL CYU plateform is intended to help CY Cergy Paris Université researchers to signal their publications, to guarantees the documents preservation, and to contribute to their valorisation. (as full texts or as descriptive notices)

HAL – CYU Portal :

Link to the HAL CYU Portal

How to deposit :

Tutorial on how to submit your document on HAL

How to create your idHAL and your CV  :

Documents to help create its IDHAL and its CV