Inter-library loans (ILL)

Need a document that you cannot find in the CY libraries ?

The service is closed from Friday 21 February to Monday 3 March.

Inter-library service is available to all members of CY University, as well as to non-University members. This service seeks to provide access to documents not available at the University .The CY Libraries also supply their own documents to other libraries and institutions.
The SUDOC ("Système Universitaire de Documentation” catalogue) can be used to locate the desired items in the library collections of French universities and other institutions of higher education.
Please check EDS CY MegaSearch tool, before making a request.
You can make a request at the library's information desks, or online via the request form.

The average time to obtain a document is one week.
The library that provides the document decides on the duration of the loan and the conditions for consultation: consultation in our premises or the possibility of borrowing the document. Parisian libraries do not lend their documents to libraries in Ile de France.
The document must be collected from the lending library mentioned during the request.

This service is free.
You have a question ?


If the document is available in one of our CY libraries, you can reserve it via the Library's catalog (by clicking on the Reserve link, to the right of the copy you wish to borrow) and we will take care of depositing it int the library of your choice. Once the request has been processed, you will be contacted and invited to pick it up at your library reception.
For any questions, contact your library.