Sarcelles Library

The Sarcelles library covers four departments: Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing (GEII), Multimedia and Internet Professions (MMI, formerly Communication Services and Networks), Transition and Energy Efficiency Professions (MT2E) and Marketing Techniques (TC).


Opening hours

  • Monday : 9h00 - 12h00 / 12h45 - 17h30
  • Tuesday : 9h00 - 12h00 / 12h45 - 17h30
  • Wednesday : 9h00 - 12h00 / 12h45 - 17h30
  • Thursday : 9h00 - 12h00 / 12h45 - 17h30
View the full calendar

Collections and spaces

More than 2,200 documents and 6 printed journal titles  are available in open access.
The collections are intended for students, DUT and Professional License teachers as well as external readers (on registration) in the following disciplines: IT, social sciences, engineering sciences, management, marketing, art and audiovisual, languages , and vocational guidance.  

The Sarcelles library offers seats for the students.

Find a selection of documents on the Electrical Engineering and Industrial Computing (GEII) guide

Find a selection of documents on the Multimedia and Internet Professions (MMI, formerly Communication Services and Networks guide

Find a selection of documents on the Marketing Techniques (TC) guide


Contact information

Bibliothèque universitaire de Sarcelles
34, boulevard Henri Bergson
95200 Sarcelles
01 34 38 26 31
Contact us
How to find us
The library is located on the second floor.
  • Streetcar : Take streetcar 5 and get off at Les Flanades stop.
  • Bus : Take Bus 1537 and get off at Les Flanades stop.
             Take Bus Vitavil and gett off at Raoul Duffy stop.
  • Car : 3 options when leaving from Paris : Boulevard Périphérique, A 86 or A3.
    There is a parking lot for students and staff.

Our equipment

La bibliothèque met à la disposition du public :
  • Wifi
  • 34 seats
  • 8 PCs
  • Item loan service on site (binding machine, webcams, multi-bit chargers...) Learn more !
There is no copier/printer.