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Research Data
The university library's Research Data service accompanies you in the management of your research data.
The glossary on research data, provided by your library, is available for download.
- How to come up with a data management plan :
A data management plan (DMP) is a synthetic management written document. It helps researchers to organise and anticipate each steps of a project datas life cycle. Many fundings agencies now requires a DMP from the beginning of a project, like for example the ANR or European Commission for Horizon Europe.
The library puts up a list of recommendation on DMPOpidor.
- Introduction to the Data Management Plan Webinar
PDF support for the library webinar dedicated to the data management plan
Webinar video (December 5, 2023)
- Open Science & Rights Retention Strategy Webinar
Webinar video (June 20, 2024)
- Data management plans proofreading service :
For any request, please contact :
Our data department will answer and help you in the development of your data management plan as soon as possible.
- Deposit ones data in a repository :
Open science aims to make research data as "open as possible, but closed when necessary”, while encouraging the opening of the access to associated data related to their publishment and their deposit in a dedicated repository.
The university has an institutional space in the national repository Recherche Data Gouv.