Item loan service

Need a charger, a raclette machine or a bicycle helmet ?
Your librarians have the solution for you : the item loan service.

As part of an ecological and social transition, and in order to combat student poverty, our teams have given more thought to the well-being of our students, and to the things they need for everyday life. You can now borrow these items from your university library :
  • CY staff and teachers, CY and CY Alliance students, external users who have paid their registration fees : one month's loan with your card.
  • Staff and students from another university : one day's loan thanks to your identity card.

What kind of items can I borrow ?

The items on offer vary from one BU to another. Here are some examples :
The best thing about this service : a donation system is now operational in our library network ! You can go to the reception desk of the university library of your choice or online using the donation form.

Do you have any suggestions? Don't hesitate to ask your librarians of contact us online.

This service was made possible thanks to CVEC funding.