Item loan service

Need to charge up your phone ? To save your files on a USB key ? Need a calculator or a power strip ? 
Your librarians are launching their item loan service ! 
Students and members can now borrow small equipment from the reception desk of each library. Please note that those loans are for the day only and available in exchange of your student card or ID.

See below the items available in every library : 
  • Multi-bit laptop chargers
  • Multi-bit phone chargers
  • Staplers
  • USB keys
  • extension cord power strip
See below the items available in some libraries only : 
  • Headsets (Antony, Chênes, Hirsch, St-Martin)
  • Calculators (Chênes, Neuville, Saint Martin)
  • Blackboards/whiteboards kits
  • Pens and highlighters sets
  • Webcams (Hirsch)
  • Rulers
  • Set squares
  • Binding machine (Antony, Cerclades, Chênes, Gennevilliers, Hirsch, Neuville, Saint-Germain et Saint-Martin). Binding equipement is also available in each of those library.