Published on December 4, 2024–Updated on December 10, 2024
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Ho ho ho !
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Onwards and upwards for the final stretch to 2024!
Here we are, December: the last month of the year.
With the cold getting colder and colder, exams looming, and a busy end to the year, librarians are getting organised to help you get through this final stretch, while adding a little lightness to your daily routine.
What's on the programme? Festive decorations in your BUs, original Christmas trees and themed tables, mystery books on loan, sweet treats and hot drinks!
First and foremost, save the date : friday 20 december is ugly christmas jumper day!
Cerclades Library
From 16 December to 4 January, A warm atmosphere with delicious drinks and treats. The librarians will be handing out tea/coffee and chocolates in time for the holidays and upcoming exams..
Hirsch Library
The prankster elves are back! From 2 to 20 December, You are invited to come and help the librarians find them, in exchange for chocolates.
Neuville and Saint-Martin libraries
Your science libraries have more than enough surprises in store for you this year!
Are you reluctant to tackle a particular book? Don't know where to start and just want to clear your head during the exam period? We've got a solution for you! From 2 to 20 December,we have set up a special loan system (yes, apart from the raclette and fondue machines on offer)
"Books on mystery loan" : The objective is simple: choose a mystery book, taking into account only 2/3 of the key words on the cover, and let yourself be surprised when you unwrap it.
Vos bibliothécaires ont mis en place une charmante table thématique. Si vous êtes curieux mais que vous n'avez pas la possibilité de vous déplacer dans les locaux, voici quelques titres mis en avant :
Le facteur du Père Noël, de Janet et Allan AHLBERG et Marie SAINT-DIZIER : disponible juste ici.
The snowman, de Raymond BRIGGS : disponible juste ici.
Boule de Noël : l'histoire vraie d'un chat, de Ruth BROWN et Nathalie CORRADINI : disponible juste ici.
Contes d'hiver, de Joan WALSH ANGLUND et Einar HOFFMAN : disponible juste ici.
You can also try your luck by picking an envelope in the advent calendar ! You will always win, but the surprise is about how big the surprise will be !
10 enveloppes are waiting to be picked every day !
Sarcelles et Argenteuil :
Laissez libre cours à votre imagination ! Vos bibliothécaires mettent à disposition des feutres afin de dessiner sur les fenêtres de la BU.