from March 20, 2024 to March 25, 2024
  • Culture

Published on February 29, 2024 Updated on August 26, 2024

Spring of poets 2024

Printemps des poètes
Printemps des poètes

Spring of Poet is a national and international event designed to raise awareness of poetry in all its forms.

The theme for 2024 ? Grace.

That's why, from March 9 to 25, you can find the 26th edition of this incredible cultural event in your different university libraires.

What's on the agenda for the new edition ?
Workshops in which you are the main actor, the dicovery of poems from around the world, exhibitions, but above all, a poetic touch of unspeakable depth.

Thematic table ; Discovering poems from around the world (via QR code)
  • Gennevilliers Library, from March 4 to 15.

Participatory workshop, creation of a wall of thoughts.
  • Cerclades Library, from March 9 to 25.

Haïkus competition.
  • Hirsch Library, from 9 to 25.

Participatory table, reveal your inner poet by writing a few verses on the white board.
  • Saint-Martin Library, from March 9 to 25.

Exhibition of your poemes. If you'veanswered the librarians'call, you will be able to see the poems you have written or chosen on display for the whole university to see.
  • Chênes Library, from March 9 to 25.

Rap exhibition.
  • Sarcelles Library, from March 9 to 25.
  • Neuville Library, from March 18 to 25.

Selim-a-Attalah Chettaoui, one again honor us with a poetic performance.
  • Cerclades Library, March 21 at 2 p.m.
  • Chênes Library,  March 21 at 3 p.m.

Artistic performance : painting on the patio windows in conjuction with UE libre langues : peinture . You can find the special library's new just here
  •  Cerclades Library, March 19, 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.