from December 20, 2023 to December 22, 2023
  • Student life

  • Establishment's life

  • Vie des personnels

Published on December 5, 2023 Updated on August 26, 2024

Noyeux Joël !

Noël 2023
Noël 2023

You think our title is false ? Absolutly not. But now, we have your attention, so read this sweet publication carefully.

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of minde.
John Calvin Coolidge

We know december, last month of the year is not the easiest. 2023 is not an exception.
Tiredness, winter, bad weather, exam stress, the world news, to name just a few consequences of this gloominess.

In order to remedy, your librarians organize things to help you hold on to this final stretch. We want to bring a little lightness in your daily life. Futhermore, we appreciate or not this christmas season, your favorite agents have decided to pamper you for the end of the year 2023.

What is the program ?
Pastry workshops, original christmas trees, friendly moments around small tea tastings and chocolates.
  • University library of Hirsch :
- Many pranksters elves are to be found every day.
- Creation of a collective story.

Save the date :
* Wednesdays Decembre 13 and 20 (from noon to 1 p.m) : so-called sandwich conferences led by ICEM - Nord Ouest francilien on the theme of Freinet pedagogy.
* Thursday Decembre 21 (from noon to 1 p.m) : pastry workshop. Friendly time between the librarian team, students and colleagues. Everyone is welcome for this end of the year. Besides, each one can bring something to share with people - if they wish -.

  • University library of Cerclades :
- Welcoming atmosphere with drinks and delicious treats on the ground floor.
- There is a mailbox for Santa Claus with a particular question : "for Christmas, what do you wish in your university library ? More confort ? More books ? Wider hours ? Everything is possible...
- Mysterious loans : a few librarians, a little more elfin than the others, have packed up favorite books to borrow.

Save the date : Friday Decembre 22 (from 2 p.m to 4 p.m) : Workshop "production of little book" and origami.
  • University library of Saint-Martin :

- Participation strongly sought to answer the question : "what is the cult Christmas movi according to you ?"
A small box in front of the broad awaits your answers.
- During the last week before christmas holidays, enjoy some treats and hot drinks in a pretty christmas setting. Also, you can admire our magnificient tree made from old books.
-  Discover, thanks to a QR code which will be made available to you, at the entrance of the BU, many musics of this festive season.

Save the date : Friday December 15 : ugly christmas sweater day.
Ps : maybe blue is the secret color for this day.
  • University library of Saint-Germain-en-Laye :
- Everyday, come and discover the envelop tree. You students of IEP and INSPE can win or lose with these envelopes. The losing envelopes offer the possibility to pick a candy. The winning envelopes allow you to collect a donated book (and take a candy too :D)                                          
OH ! Tomorrow it's christmas... It's practically here !